Frequently Asked Questions

Yes there are potential problems that could make your system unable to transmit signals to the monitoring central station. We will discuss what action, if any, is required to have your system work properly.

If “COMM FAILURE” is displayed on your keypad the alarm panel was unable to transmit information to the central station. Most likely there is a problem with the phone connection to the alarm system. Call to schedule a service call.

Generally we will update your call list via email, fax or phone. If unable to reach us for a temporary emergency change call the central station and give them your account number and pass code. Central station phone number is 800-932-3822.

Most ADEMCO/Honeywell alarm panels will be silenced by entering your 4-digit user code and 1 (off). Many panels may be silenced just by pressing 1 (off). Once silenced, the control panel will need to be reset after cause of alarm is remedied. Enter your 4-digit user code and 1 (off) again and alarm memory display should clear.

Most manufacturers and the National Fire Protection Association recommend that the detectors be replaced after 10 years. Replacing detectors protects against the accumulated chance of failure, but frequent testing is still your best means of making sure your detector is working.

Yes most insurance companies offer discounts for a burglar alarm and additional savings with fire protection.

Your alarm panel transmits to the central station thru the phone line. If your system does not have alternate means of communication, only the audible alarm will sound. FIN SECURITY LLC advises backup communication such as cellular long range radio, call us for more information.

Yes the system has a backup battery power supply that will operate the complete system. If the system battery gets low, the alarm will send a low battery message to the central station.

Yes in most cases we can provide service and monitoring for your system. Some systems, however, have a program lockout feature enabled. If your panel is locked, we advise to change the control board and then still utilize the protection devices. We will also advise if any upgrades and repairs are needed.

Your system is not ready to arm. Common causes are a door or window not closed properly, motion detector sensing movement or a previous alarm memory condition has not been cleared.

Yes it is your responsibility to test the system regularly. We can program a communication test to the monitoring central station. Follow the simple steps in your user manual to walk test the system. It is advised to have Fin Security LLC perform annual testing.

Unlike many of the mass marketing alarm companies, we do not offer cookie cutter type alarm systems. Your safety, security and peace of mind deserves more than that. All systems we install are custom designed. We will design a system to fit your needs and budget. Various options will be recommended to optimize your alarm system.

Generally the main panel battery will last 3-5 years. It is advised to replace every four years. The system will annunciate when the battery is low. If your system utilizes wireless transmitters, they need to have batteries replaced periodically also. Most wireless transmitters use long-life lithium batteries. A low battery message will be sent to the central station and displayed on the keypad.

Our panels do not get locked out. We pride ourselves on the services provided to our customers. You are not locked into a long term monitoring contract and you own the system. If we are unable to keep you satisfied your system can be reprogrammed.

The most recent model detectors will activate a trouble condition or beep periodically when unit needs replacement. The unit has approximately a 10 year sensor lifespan. Older models were date stamped and require replacement after 7 years in service.

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